Sunday, July 29, 2007

Off to Simeulue!

I just scored a 12 month position with Australian Red Cross working in the little island of Simeulue, just south of Sumatra, not so far from Banda Aceh.

I will be an ARC Water & Sanitation delegate, taking over the WatSan project in Salang sub-district. I'm responsible for 8 staff and the tasks of constructing household latrines, drinking water wells, community engagement and hygiene/health education. I've been given a good run-down this time by the previous delegate Sarah, so at least I know a bit more about what I'm getting myself into. It sounds like a nice place to be. I'm certainly looking forward to some warmer weather! But I also arrive at the beginning of the rainy season, so I'm not sure how that will affect our activities.

I leave Adelaide on the 6th August - only a week! - and fly via Singapore and Medan. Aaarrghh! So much to do before I go!!! Shitting myself...

I'm off. Til next time...