Thursday, September 20, 2007

Layin' low...

Being sick SUX!

Especially when you don't know what the hell is wrong with you.

Well, the good thing is, after 2 blood tests, I know what's not wrong with me: I don't have malaria, so it seems that i just have some weird viral infection. Still doesn't make me feel any better.

There are no clinics on Simeulue, so I stayed in Banda Aceh after my weekend here (which mainly involved not sleeping, lying on the couch and slamming down drugs to try and make me feel better ... so much for a break from Simeulue) so that I could access the UN clinic. Interestingly, there was no doctor there, so they referred me to the hospital up the road to get the blood test. And they took my blood in the waiting room, with no gloves and no alcohol on the swab! boo!!! Dodgy... hence the decision to get a second opinion and go to another lab for a second test.

There's only so much tv i can watch!!! I can't concentrate very well, and get tired easily... so I can only read or work a little. So motivation is low, and boredom high. Anyone feeling like calling up is more than welcome! :)

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