Tuesday, November 20, 2007

f*@$#(g indonesian airlines, again!

If you thought I'd had enough stuffing around in airports, here's another tale.

I spent another 5 hours on Sunday coming back from Bali... first I had to fly from Denpasar to Jakarta, then Jakarta to Medan before a short flight on Monday morning back to Simeulue (a lot of travelling considering it's not actually that far. About 4 1/2 hours flying).

Surprisingly I made it to Jakarta without incident. But then...

My flight from Jakarta to Medan was delayed by 2 hours, so I paid $40 to change my ticket to another airline and earlier flight. Then when I went to the boarding gate, they told me THAT flight was delayed by 2 hours due to mechanical problems, and wouldn't leave til 10pm - an hour after my original flight. Talk about pissed off! I was ready to swing a punch...

Then, to top it off, considering I had so much time on my hands and didn't want to sit in the boring, dark lounge for another two hours (well, had already been waiting for ages), I went for a wander for a while - and almost missed my plane! In the meantime they had rectified the mechanical problem early, called the flight (in the lounge only) and the plane left an hour early... I had to sprint to the plane, and was the last to board... bloody hell!

I'm sure there will be plenty more tales like this to come!

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