Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I am so stressed at the moment. There are so many issues going on with the program. Things aren't happening and it's driving me insane. I have an end of 2008 timeline hanging over my head and we're already 3 months behind schedule.

My WatSan program is at a standstill with an overpricing investigation, and until its all sorted, the country manager won't sign any purchase orders. So, no materials are coming in and we can't build any more toilets and wells, or install any more septic tanks. We built a new warehouse at the beginning of January in Along village for all the new materials we were supposed to get ages ago... so it's been sitting there since, waiting to be filled! Our logistics and finance people have left, leaving a massive gap. Our 'run-around guy' has taken over Logistics since the senior logistician quit and her sidekick resigned (he was the subject of the overpricing investigation), but he is totally unqualified and, while doing his best, is not doing a good job. So my two engineers now refuse to work with him out of frustration. I don't blame them - I'm as frustrated as they are - but I think they're being a bit harsh on him.

The last week has been bloody stressful too: we recently recruited ten new Indonesian Red Cross volunteers, and have put them through 3 days of PHAST (hygiene) training and 3 days of Community Development Training. Our construction supervisors attended the CDT as well. I have been running around playing driver to ferry people to training, because logistics and/or my staff hadn't organised the cars properly. Today is the final day, a full-day induction to Indonesian Red Cross (booooriiiing!). They will all be knackered by the end! I have been trying - quite unsuccesfully might I add - to understand the training content, which is tiring enough in itself!

My two hygiene promotion staff don't get along well and have been decidedly unfriendly and unco-operative towards each other all week. Thank god there are other people around for them to hang out with.

And then, to top it all off, I hit someone with the car yesterday. We were coming back from a great stress-free afternoon at the beach with all the volunteers and staff, I was driving at night and an oncoming car blinded me at exactly the same point where an old man was walking on the road. He wasn't wearing visible clothing, plus there are no lights or road markings. Luckily I only clipped his elbow, and there was no serious injury. Our staff went back a couple of hours later to check if he was ok or if he needed any further medical care than the traditional massage we organised for him. He was ok, thank god. Turns out he was the father of one of our drivers, which in some ways was good but in others made things more difficult.

I was in shock for the next 2 hours, and turning over and over in my head what could have happened. Thank god nothing worse happened. I've come down sick becaues of all the stress of the last week or so, and all I want to do is sleep.

But it's off to the field tomorrow. We have an ARC Board member, Tsunami Operations Manager and his assistant, plus Communications manager coming to visit. We'll have to drive to Salang and give them a tour of all our projects. In some ways it will be good fun, but in others I just wish that it wasn't all happening at the same time!

Can't wait til Thursday when all our visitors leave and I can rest. Let's just say Easter can't come fast enough. Because the training included working on a public holiday and a Saturday, we can take a couple of extra days off over Easter, so I am taking my team to Lake Toba for a bit of rest and relaxation, which should be fun :)

A week away from work will be a real refresher. Game on!

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