Saturday, December 29, 2007

We're off to Bonny Doon! Oops... I mean Lake Toba

Ahh yes, one of the reasons I love this country: lots of public holidays. The Eid ul-Adha holiday started on the 20th December, and went right through til the 26th – so with a couple of leave days thrown in, you can get a good week or two's holiday! (which is what I’ve done – in fact I’ve taken the 31st as well as the 2-4th Jan off, so almost 3 weeks in total. Yah!)

Anyhoo, so given that the plan was to spend Xmas Day in Medan with my boss Paul, his wife Popi and a few work crew, it was a good opportunity to get over to Lake Toba with the four day break.

So after a few too many drinks at the Aryadutha Hotel with Popi & Paul, Steph and Jon, Natasha, Kiki, (all Simeulue staff) Chris and some of the other Susi Pilots on the 20th, the next day Natasha and I boarded a bus headed for Prapat. Ahh yes, 4+ hours sweating our arses off, crammed into three seats when we really needed four. Not to mention the old man smoking right next to us and dropping ash on Natasha! Boo!

Still, once we got going it wasn’t so bad, and the scenery was interesting, especially as we got closer to the lake and the elevation increased (and the temperature dropped!). It’s a beautiful view of the Lake when you first come over the mountain and see the water – and it’s a surprising environment that you encounter. It’s cool (first time I’ve felt cold in Indo), there are many pine forests on the mountain slopes, and the town of Prapat looks almost European. In fact the whole region reminded me a lot of Europe, particularly with the churches dotted around the place. Amongst rice padis mind you, but still…

So once we hit Prapat, it was on to the ferry to get across to Samosir Island, in the middle of the Lake. Technically it’s not an island – it has a narrow peninsula that joins the mainland – but it seems like one! We got targeted straight up by a couple of local touts looking for business for their hotel. We had a couple of places in mind, but given that it was the end of the day and dark by the time we landed, we agreed to stay at Lekjon hostel for the night. In the end we stayed there the whole time; it was cheap, located in a beautiful spot by the lake and we ended up spending a lot of time hanging out with our new buddies Romano and Juan. They were great fun, and ran a nice hostel with a restaurant, pool table, good tunes and a nightclub nearby – what more could you want?

They also convinced us to cruise around the island on the first day on their motorbikes. It was cool fun, a good way to learn about the Batak culture of the island, get to know the guys, see all the touristy stuff and check out the scenery without having to watch where you’re going! The island is a beautiful place, churches dotted amongst rice padis surrounded by pine-forested mountains cloaked in cloud, all surrounding a huge blue lake; reminded me a little of Lake Geneva. It was strange to think this existed in Indonesia, the largest Muslim nation in the world.

The next few days were spent riding bicycles, eating and drinking, relaxing by the lake, playing pool, and hitting the nightclub down the road. We met some cool people from Korea and Finland (a hot firey, hello!), as well as some of the other locals who hung out at the hostel. All up it was a really fun, relaxing time, a perfect lead up to Christmas. I didn’t want to leave!

And while Paul and Popi’s first baby was due New Year’s Eve, he came early – 23rd December. So I was very excited when I went to the hospital on Xmas Day and met little Adrian for the first time. Such a gorgeous little tacker (so small!) and such proud parents. After spending the morning in the hospital, Paul and I went out for lunch and gorged ourselves on the things we can’t get here: a decent steak and bottles of red! We thought we would be joined by a few work crew for lunch, but this didn’t materialise, so we got pissed together and then cruised down to Sun Plaza, a huge shopping mall, to check it out, eat ice cream and drink more beer in the food court. Mmmm…. ice cream…

That night we went out for more drinks with the work crew and some of the Susi Pilots, went to the local pool hall and nightclub. In the end it dragged on, and I didn’t really enjoy it all that much, especially because the Susi boys were all chasing Indonesian skirt (I really don't like the whole white man - young Asian girl scene ... it's a bit disgusting!) and I was pretty tired from a day of drinking with the boss!

Off to Singapore for Boxing Day, yah!

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