Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hooray for Simeulue.

Every time someone writes me an email or a msg, I say, yeah I'm great, how you doing?

Fuck, that's a lie.

So, here 'tis:

I'm stressed to my eyeballs because:
  • my program is months behind schedule due to a pricing/logistics process review,
  • subsequently, the big boss has put the kibosh on all material delivery, which doesn't mean much because no materials have been arriving for us to construct anything anyway,
  • my boss just left (we are only two expats now and I've lost my drinking buddy!),
  • the community want our heads on stakes,
  • my staff are totally stressed out, and:
  • on top of that we are all being investigated for corruption.
I love Simeulue.

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