Friday, April 4, 2008

a little help deciding...

Ah gawd.... life just keeps getting more and more interesting...

So, my boss Paul has accepted a job in Banda Aceh. He leaves in a month! Which means.... I'll probably be A/Head of Office until they find someone new (if that's what they decide). I think it will be difficult to recruit someone that's prepared to come and work in Simeulue, especially if it's only for a short time (around 9 months I'm guessing, in order to close down our operations here by early next year). So who knows, maybe I'll be Head of Office until I leave Simeulue.

Paul and I are going to Banda Aceh tomorrow, for some meetings next week, and also to farewell our logistics delegate Natasha, so hopefully that will shed more light on what's gonna happen.

That whole concept scares me a bit. I don't feel experienced enough to be Head of Office. But of all the delegates in ARC I am probably the one who understands most about projects in Sim! And we are winding down our projects now; there is only the WatSan project and the construction project in Kota Batu (building 120 houses for people displaced by the earthquake), which also has an associated integrated program of health/hygiene/livelihoods training. I'm a bit worried about Kota Batu though, because it's been in the pipeline for 3 years and they haven't even started building houses yet. So many delays. The construction delegates haven't even visited the site. So bloody slack. It frustrates the hell out of me. Until construction begins the community aren't even remotely interested in doing any training, so one relies on the other. Plus the WatSan component of the construction designs hasn't even been properly considered! I get the distinct feeling they'll lump it all on me as the only ARC WatSan delegate in Indonesia... which would stress me out even more, on top of having to run the office. It would also mean I probably wouldn't get out to the field as much, which I'd hate. But that said, as HoO I'd also get to decide...

Plus I'm really gonna miss Paul. I love having him around, he's a great guy, really laid back and loves a drink (maybe a bit too much)! He's really active too, always out on his bike or going running. Thank goodness we have Nick, our new logistician here, for a bit of bule normality! But he's a lot older and more conservative than me, so I don't enjoy his company half as much as I do Paul's. But that said, I'm really happy for Paul - he finally gets to live with his family. He'll be so much happier in Banda Aceh, there's so many more people and things to do, and his job will be better paid, have better support for him and his family, and he won't be subject to the shit that regularly gets launched at us from ARC Banda.

And in terms of other departures: Jon, my mate from Care, is leaving on Wed. We're having a farewell for him tonight. His girlfriend Steph, another great mate, is leaving the following Sunday. So two of my favourite people are leaving! :( They have been the most fun to have around on the island, and are always keen to get out and about and do things. I will be very sad (not to mention bored!) when they leave. At least they're moving to Australia, so I can see them when I eventually get home!

Nam, my tennis buddy and another favourite person on the island, leaves in a couple of months too. I'll have to satisfy my tennis cravings through the local old guys that play. Still fun, and it will help my Bahasa, but not as fun (nor energetic!) as Nam. Plus, he is the only one prepared to play early in the morning; all the old guys play from about 4pm. Early morning is better because it's not so hot and there isn't a queue to get on the court.

The only people left after that will be Anna from GAA, Chigusa from Japanese RC (who are both great and like to get out and be active), 2 Norwegian Red Cross people (who we hardly see), plus 4 Germans who I don't see that much and who are quite a bit older and more boring... so the options are certainly shrinking! However, our national staff are lots of fun, and hopefully they will be able to fill the gap left by my other friends. Plus I'm also thinking I should get off my ass and explore Indonesia a bit more with my weekends, and use up some of my leave to do so. There are lots of places that are easy to get to from Medan that don't take much time to get to.

For example, on Sunday Steph and I are going to Medan and then to Berastagi to climb the volcano there. I am taking Monday off to do this, so back to work on Tues - simple! Should be fun too, a last hurrah for Steph and I.

So, all of these departures, the workload of Head of Office, and the probably lengthy delay before a new HoO arrival will definitely shape my intentions about staying on here. I'm strongly considering leaving at the end of my contract now, and travelling back home with my sister Ange.

I definitely have something to look forward to - Ange's arrival! She is travelling home in early August, after 2 years working in London. Yay!!! She gets to Medan on August 8; we plan to travel around Indo together and I want to show her around Simeulue too. Then she plans to go to Bangladesh to visit friends there. Possibly some other countries in SE Asia as well. I would love to join her for this part of her travel. Then I must decide to either come back here, or travel back home with her. I miss her so much, and can't wait to see her!!

If I did come back here, it would be because I want to support my WatSan team, and see the project to the end. It's scheduled to end 2008, but we're already 3 months behind and not making ground quickly, particualrly due to logistics. So who knows how long it will drag out for. I could be here for another year! But I think I'd like to be home for Christmas, or at the most by my birthday (end January). Something to aim for maybe.

So we'll just have to wait and see what happens... :)

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