Monday, June 9, 2008

Adventures in Pulau Weh

Ahhh... I don't think I want to go back to Simeulue!! I finally made it to Pulau Weh, the beautiful little island directly off Banda Aceh - and the most northerly part of Indonesia. You can even visit the "Nol Kilometre" landmark, which marks the very start of Indonesia. I wonder if they have a "2432973 (or whatever) Kilometre" landmark at the other end of the archipelago? :)

I liked the fact that it was through work that I got to pay my first visit to this little paradise. The Banda Aceh office had organised a two day team building workshop there, and having planned to come directly to BA from my R&R for staff interviews, I decided I could join the team building. And I'm glad I did! Not only was it fun, involving a whole bunch of team challenges and fun activities, and I got to know more of the BA staff better, it was held at Freddy's resort, or Sumur Tiga, about 15 mins out of the main town of Sabang. Freddy's is on a beautiful little unspoiled beach, to which it's guests have almost exclusive access. You can go snorkelling directly offshore as well. So in between our teambuilding activities, we spent our time face down in the water looking at pretty coral and fishies :)

Then I managed to convince the boss that Elni (Simeulue Office Manager) and I should spend Friday in Sabang as well, and use the blissful isolation to shortlist candidates for our WatSan Engineer positions, for which we want to interview on Monday. Not only did we want to stay in this lovely place, but very conveniently there was a big party planned for Saturday night on Rubiah Island, just adjacent to Iboih Beach, another beautiful spot on the island. Hehe!

So that we did. It didn't actually take long, and we headed to Iboih on Friday afternoon. Considering we had shortlisted already, I went out on a boat with a few crew that had arrived early for the party, and did some snorkelling. Again, really beautiful, more so than at Freddy's, because it was further out to sea. We saw some beautiful blue-spotted stingrays. Our boat "Big Fish Too" capitano Eddie gave us a tour of his property and the hot water springs there, which were bubbling out of the mud. Great to sit and warm your feet with or have a 'hot shower' in! Unfortunately we spent a bit too much time enjoying ourselves onshore, and the tide went out, leaving our boat somewhat stranded amongst the coral! About half an hour and a lot of legwork later, we managed to get ourselves unstuck and headed back to Iboih.

Saturday was spent sleeping in (after a few drinks the night before) and again heading out in the water for some snorkelling. Just offshore there was some ok snorkelling, and we saw a sea snake too, which I'd never seen before. But it was in the afternoon that the snorkelling highlight arrived - again Eddie was prepared to take his boat out, and we went to the Marine Garden behind Rubiah Island, where the snorkelling was really beautiful. We saw some amazing coral, a huge array of fish, tonnes of starfish, but the highlight for me was a gigantic moray eel. After cruising back home again, we fired ourselves up for the party on Rubiah Island.

Our resident walking ideas-man-party-guru Michael had rustled up a whole bunch of fruit, alcohol and a blender and was concocting yummy cocktails to start off the night (and they were bloody strong!). After a couple of those I was a bit worse for wear, because I was dehydrated from the day's activities, and I'd come down with a stomach bug so I was feeling shite. I spent half the night traipsing back and forth from the toilet... boo! I was pretty disappointed because I had been looking forward to this party for a long time. But I still wanted to at least make it over to Rubiah Island to get a bit of the action, so I took a boat over with some of the crew, and hit the dance floor for a while. It was a pretty good party, but the usual people I hang out with were being unusually clicky and unsociable, so I just chatted to random people the whole night and hung out with Yudi. Water was my drink of choice... but it was still fun, and I met a whole bunch of interesting people and danced like an idiot like usual. Michael, said party-guru, had also brought along fireworks and fire twirlers, which provided a couple of cool highlights. Someone had also brought a neon frisbee that glowed in the dark, which was pretty rad. I managed to last it out til about 12:30 before putting myself on the boat back home. Had to get up early this morning for the 8:30 ferry, and I was suffering most of the way home...

A good remedy for that was a day out and about in Banda Aceh, c/- my mate Yudi, who works for ARC in our construction team. We hung out at his place in Lhoknga for a bit before cruising to a nearby cave with a beatiful blue river/lake, which unfortunately had been made that much less natural by building a big fuck-off dam near the cave entrance. Still, it was a nice place to relax, and watch the local kids' antics and guitar expertise. Then we just cruised around to some of the local beaches, where Yudi surfs, and finished the afternoon with a swim at Lampu Beach and a barbeque fish dinner watching the sun set. Beautiful. It was a great way to spend a Sunday, particularly as I was feeling so crap at the start of the day. But getting out and about and a couple of panadols was as good a way as any to shake that.

So, my run of fun adventures is over for now.... let the games begin on Simeulue when I get back on Wednesday....

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