Monday, December 22, 2008

Bournemouth, old London town, and old mates

Good old London – being an Aussie, you can always find lots of mates to catch up with. First on the list: Lisa and Dave, mates of mine from those long-ago days at uni. They were awesome hosts, welcoming me with Dave’s special bangers and mash when I arrived! It had been a while, and it was great to catch up on their lives in the UK. During my time with them, Lisa gave me a tour of her and Dave’s work (the Royal Science Institute, brilliant), we wandered around Oxford and Regent streets to check out the Christmas lights and elaborate store-fronts (to me it was amazing – after the non-event of Christmas in Indonesia, the biggest Muslim country in the world!), and we went to see a theatre version of Edward Scissorhands. It was great fun. The other reason that the two of them are champs is because they let me use their house in Queen’s Park as a base while they were away for Christmas.

Because most of my friends were working during the day, it gave me a chance to see a bit of London (and its shops) during the day, and catch up with people during the night. I was able to share a few wines in London’s oldest wine cellar near the Thames with James Mac, an old uni buddy of Ange’s; share a few beers with Sally and Schuey at the Regent Hotel down the road; catch up with Fritha, a new friend from the wedding, for a drink on the Thames; randomly find out that Rob M-L was back at home, and share brunch and some Christmas shopping with him in Camden; and of course buy myself a few Christmas pressies. But I couldn’t help myself from converting all the costs to the feeble Aussie dollar! So it was another reason I was thankful that I had a gratis place to stay. And justified all my purchases. :)

And then, the most random thing that’s happened to me in a while: while strolling across Westminster Bridge, James and I ran into a distant relative of mine, Tanya, who was coincidentally on holiday too. We both looked at each other and at first couldn’t put names to faces, we were both so out of context! But after a few seconds we worked it out. It was great to see her – I’d only met her a few times after discovering I had a third cousin I didn’t know about! – and to get out of the cold, the three of us went to the nearest pub for a couple of beers (see a trend emerging here?).

Tanya and I spent the next day on a Thames river cruise up to Greenwich to check out the Meridian, and meandering back to the city afterwards. It was great to have a friend to hang out with, who had just as much free time on her hands as I did! And I would never have gone there if she wasn’t planning on it.

And then onto the next adventure, with a certain Mr Zul.

Zul is one of the biggest legends I know, with a cracker smile and cheeky approach to life that makes him fun to be around. We used to work together in Liberia for ICRC, in 2006. I hadn’t seen him since then, so was looking forward to it. He was born in Cameroon, but educated in the UK, and had gone back to university for further study in Media and Communications at Bournemouth University after finishing up with humanitarian work after a few amazing destinations. So I jumped on the train and headed down to Bournemouth to hang out with him for a few days.

I got quite a welcome when I arrived – a big hug and pick up from the train station, an impromptu tour of his great little town, a trip to the beach, followed by an amazing roast chicken he’d made for our lunch. I felt very spoiled! It was nice to be taken care of, I realised how much I missed it in Indonesia! The beach was only 5 minutes away from his flat, and albeit cold and windy, being winter, I could imagine in summer it would be a cool place to hang out. If the wind ever stopped and the water ever got warm enough. Hehe! I never imagine beaches when I think of the UK, but being an island I guess it must have them somewhere…

The next afternoon we drove to Weymouth, further west. It was quiet, and many guesthouses said ‘full’, but were just closed during the off-peak season. Weymouth is another picturesque coastal town, with old stone buildings and a clock tower along the seafront, with a wharf at one end. We had come here to visit Zul’s mate from uni, who owned a nightclub and was hosting a big pre-Christmas bash there. After a tour of his club – which was amazing – we went for dinner, before coming back for a night on the town. The place was pumping, mainly upstairs in the club area with DJs, but also downstairs in the recently renovated, beautifully dark and seductive Moroccan-inspired Kas-bar. And the drinks were flowing… Zul’s mate kept cracking the bottles of champagne all night. Rad!

The next afternoon I received a tour of Bournemouth University and then onto the centre of town for some last-minute Christmas shopping, followed by watching an English Premier League game at the local pub, followed by trying to console him further (Chelsea had already lost) when his car was clamped for being parked illegally and he had to pay a huge fine… boo! We’d even moved the car once already, after parking illegally the first time, to what we thought was a legal park!

So it was at the train station the next day that I was sad to part ways with Zul. But we both had new adventures to look forward to – he was heading to Switzerland for Christmas and skiing adventures with a group of good mates, and I was heading back to London before cruising up to Manchester for Christmas with Lucy and her family. It had been a great few days with Zul, and I greatly appreciated all the effort he had gone to – I hadn’t felt that special in a long time! Amazing what a true bit of hospitality can do for you.

Back in London again, I checked out the Natural History Museum (my favourite building in London), which featured the National Geographic Wildlife Photographer of the Year. As usual, it was an amazing exhibition. I was also happy to catch up with two more friends, Sally and Isaac, for dinner one night – Isaac played footy with my previous boyfriend Matt, and we had become friends through him. While I had seen Sal at the pub a few nights ago, it was great to hang out with both of them at their place, and to find out what Isaac had been up to.

You can check out the pics here:

Christmas Eve, I packed my bags (again!) and jumped on the train, direction: North.

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