Monday, January 5, 2009

Day 3: let the drunkenness continue!

After deciding we should get up in our reasonably tired and hungover state, Australia discovered that Canada had left the building. We had intentions of going to see the castle today, given that our previous efforts had failed, but thought that first we would try and find out where Canada was. And, easy as you like, our first guess was right: in the closest possible drinking location – the pub downstairs! With America. I never knew the two ever got along so well.

The drinks were already flowing, so we decided we needed to join in the New Years’ Day festivities. Soon we were emptying our pints and the shots began. After the amount we’d drunk the night before it didn’t take long before we were starting to feel it again! By now America were drunk enough that they didn’t want to go back to Birmingham as planned, for their next work day; after calling up the boss they were granted permission to stay another day and drink on with us. Sweet!

And then the stories from New Year’s Eve, in particular Up the Kilt, started flowing. The funniest thing from all the reminiscing was when I pulled out the condom I had scored from Mr Health Worker Tom, and realised that it was a “GI Jonny” Condom – the namesake of our new American buddy, whom I had also pashed the night before. Absolute GOLD for Australia! It even said “To inform and protect” – very appropriate given his profession as a US army officer.

By this stage Jen was in fine form and decided to go out, with Rach in tow, to buy a souvenir that she had spied in a nearby shop. They returned not long afterwards with their new purchases: religious t-shirts, which were very funny at this stage, as well as some ultra-loud, ultra-fluorescent beanies. Jen’s t-shirt read “Don’t panic! I’m Islamic” and Rach’s read “Jesus is coming. Look busy!” These were immediately much revered by the group, and therefore Jen decided that we all needed one. Mine read “Jesus loves you – but I’m his favourite”. My own favourite however was Keith’s, which read “I’ve found Jesus – he was behind the sofa the whole time”. Gold!

After all the shots, other drinks, t-shirts, spilling drinks, karaoke and obligatory air guitar, the staff at the World’s End decided it was time to kick us out (about the 100th time for the week!). So out we went into the cold. By now Rach and I decided we needed to find some more food; on our return we discovered our pals in the nearest pub – the Royal Mile, our favourite haunt from a few nights ago. And then more drunkenness ensued. We managed to meet a few Irish chicks; their very camp friend Martin, who took a real shining to GI Jonny; and a bit later in the piece, three very also-camp Italian guys. One we immediately named Salmon, due the colour of his cashmere sweater. The other two were also great; one being a big hulk of a guy, who was extremely lovely, just like a big teddy bear, whom I subsequently spent the next few hours hugging; the other was a small, skinny guy in tight jeans and a waistcoat, quite cute actually, who seemed quite curt at first but by the end was just as fun and raucous as the others. It was absolutely hilarious.

By this stage the music was turned up, the singing and dancing had spilled over into the entire bar and we ended up dancing on the tables. Even our big gay friend, who, at the recommendation of the barman, found quite a sturdy table to jump up onto. The bar staff at the Royal Mile were absolute champs and put up with all our nonsense for the whole night without kicking us out. Eventually when the pub closed we had no choice but to leave, and all went our separate ways.

Day 4 was our last day in Edinburgh, which finished rather sadly with an extremely hungover brunch, where none of us could really string many sentences together. America had dropped in to say goodbye before departing on the train back down to Birmingham. And so I farewelled Australia and Canada on their drive back to Norwich, and spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out in Edinburgh. I decided to go for a wander around the town; I was so hungover that my postcard to mum and dad fell out of my pocket and I didn’t even notice. I’d spent so long looking for a stamp for it too! After wandering up the castle, and seeing how long the ticket line-up was, I decided I couldn’t cope with waiting in line for half an hour, let alone a castle tour. So for the second time that week, I had been to Edinburgh castle but had not actually gone inside. Nice one Jac.

What I wasn’t too hungover for was wandering around an art gallery. I could try and tell you who the exhibition was by and where it was housed, but that part has also sadly departed from my memory. I do know he was a German artist and I really enjoyed admiring his work…! Upon catching the bus to the airport, it really hit home that The Big Adventure was finally over :( But it had been RAD. And definitely the best New Year’s ever!

All of the drunken evidence is here.

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