Sunday, November 2, 2008

Bring back tennis!

I REALLY wish I could play tennis at the moment. Since being based in the field all week, I hardly get a chance to play any more. I’ve gone from playing around 5-6 times a week to not playing at all. It’s been raining a lot too, so on the rare occasion I am able to play, the weather prevents it. D’oh! Plus I hurt my right arm – I can’t serve the ball because my muscle is too sore … it’s like tennis elbow in my upper arm! So I have to rest for a while. NOT my favourite thing to do! I miss the exercise, the laughs and the company of the guys that usually play. Hopefully I will get back into it soon.

I’ve been trying to find ways to exercise in the field. From our base camp I can walk to the beach in about 15 minutes. I have to wade across a river to get to the beach, and there’s only one place you can do it – and only at low tide. The mouth of the river is quite wide, and really deep, so you can only walk along the beach on one side of the river! But it’s a good way to get some exercise after sitting in the office all day.

Fuck sit-ups and all that other crap. Give me interesting exercise! Maybe I should wander down the road and see if anyone wants to play volleyball or table-tennis in the dark.

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