Friday, November 21, 2008

I always seem to be complaining in this blog.

Why is that?

Oh well, too bad.

I’m sick at the moment. And I’m not very good at it. I become a bit depressed when I’m sick, because I hate not being able to do what I normally do, and from feeling like people think I’m faking it when I take time off work (in this case from “overdoing the partying in Banda” – which I must say is not true. I had a fairly tame party on Sat night, which included shooting fireworks out the front and accidentally into the mosque across the road, plus fabulous dancing until the wee hours. Then there was a bit of a late one on Monday night with the boss and his barbeque before my early morning flight to Medan. But that’s it. I swear). After getting back to Simeulue I found myself with a crappy head cold, and a blocked right ear. It’s driving me mad! Hopefully it will sort itself out soon.

I went to Banda Aceh on Saturday. I went around to my old boss Paul’s house, to see him and his family. His little boy Adrian is so big now… he is Gigantor next to other Indonesian kids of the same age! It was cool to have a few beers and a chat. He’s moving to Medan soon for a new job, which is good for his family because his wife Popy is from there, and her family can help look after Adrian.

I usually enjoy going to Banda. But I didn’t enjoy being in that office this time because one of my colleagues, who is dating a local staff member, was basically ignoring me. Fair enough. I broke the news to her after the party early on Sunday morning that this ‘boyfriend’ of two years had been fooling around behind her back, including with me (I didn’t know!). This was going on while she was away at home in Scotland; she was under the impression that they were still together. So I had to tell her. It wasn’t fair otherwise.

Anyway, we had planned to go surfing the next morning, and in our hungover state we didn’t really think much about the fact that it wasn’t a good idea if the three of us went surfing together after the events of the previous evening! But out we went, and I really wasn’t in the mood for surfing – I don’t like being bad at things generally, particularly when I’m hungover and in a “three’s a crowd” situation. So after less than an hour pretending to enjoy being really crap at surfing, I made my way back to shore and amused myself on the beach until they were finished, then got them to take me home. Even more unfortunately, I happened to be staying at her house!

It would have been pretty funny being a fly on the wall. But I hated it! It wasn’t my fault, but she made me feel like it was.

When you’re staying with someone, it’s nice if they take care of you. Just a little bit. I don’t expect her to hold my hand; but after Sunday I hardly saw her, and she didn’t talk to me at all in the office. So I had to amuse myself by finding other friends to play with. Not difficult really – the other delegates live around the corner, so I hung out with them for dinners and we played a bit of tennis (even with a sore arm, I can still play if I don’t serve – but I feel like a bit of a wanker serving under-arm! This time, I didn’t get to thrash the boss, but a run-around was awesome, and much-needed!).

In addition, the office in Banda Aceh felt really unfriendly. I arrived with my engineer Rinaldi, and hardly anyone came up to say hello and introduce themselves to him. It was much different to usual; maybe because there’s been a few changes in the delegates, and a couple of the teams have moved to a different shipping container in the compound. But normally when us Simeuluenians go to the office, people are friendly, inclusive for lunches and keen to have a chat. The usual bright, cheery people were great. But there was none of that from anyone else. The admin and HR staff were particularly unfriendly, and even made Rinaldi organise his own briefing schedule – instead of organising it for him, they made him go around to everyone in each department and find out when they were free to give him the run-down of the different programs. How rude!

So I came back to Simeulue and became sick. Crap. And then on the weekend, I wanted to go out to Anna’s place to go kayaking. When I approached my housemate with the request to take the car, he got all narky with me and started carrying on about how I always take off with the car with little consideration for when he wants to go somewhere. We’re a bit short on cars at the moment, because of maintenance needs outside of Simeulue.

I can understand his point. I do often just go tearing off with the car to do things on the weekends. Being stuck in Salang all week really makes me ansty and I enjoy the freedom to be able to get out and about. But I usually check to see if he’s around, and he’s usually sleeping or off having coffee on Sat and Sunday mornings, so I just take the car and figure he’s big enough and ugly enough to call me if he needs to use the car. In the past, we’ve had enough cars for me to do this and it hasn’t been a problem.

But also, let me paint a picture of my housemate. At a guess, he’s in his late 50s, and spends his free time on weekends and after work doing the following things: reading, sleeping and smoking. All in the house. Or, he goes to the office. So he hardly goes anywhere. The only time he ever really needs the car is to go to the office (if he's too lazy to walk! it's only 15 mins up the road), or if he wants to go into town for a change of scenery on the restaurant front. So I thought it was a bit rich to hassle me for using the car as I do. But the main thing I was mad about was how he spoke to me, just launching into me without even really saying hello; and then when I asked Anna to come pick me up (I wasn’t able to take the car) he started mouthing off to her. That really pissed me off. I was almost in tears.

And then I WAS in tears when almost straight after our argument, I get an sms from my sister Ange: “I miss you! :( Can you please hurry up and come home so we can do fun stuff?! Love you xo”.

Anyway, the upshot of it all is that I’m just pissed off with being here at the moment. Counting down big time til December 10th. Bring on those holidays!

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