Friday, November 28, 2008

Memories of Liberia...

I’ve just got off the phone to my friend Roland in Harper, Maryland County, Liberia, with whom I worked in 2006, for ICRC. He has been asking me for new uniforms for Jacqui Football Club, the team of kids that I sponsor and who – bless em! – named their team after me. Just gotta get to a bank in Medan that has the right facilities to send the money. It was so great to speak to him. I found out that one of the other lovely security guards who I came to know and love was married recently, and another one is engaged to be married to a guy from Monrovia. I really do miss those guys. I need to get back there to see how Liberia and my friends are “comin’ on,” as they would say. Yeah-o, I miss Liberia-o!

I was reading The Age’s Good Weekend newspaper last night – a gift from a visiting National Office colleague – and it featured a photographic exhibition of public servants’ offices from around the world. On the second page was a photo of a Major Adolph Delaney, who works for the traffic police at the Liberian National Police HQ in Monrovia. In the photograph he is sitting at a simple desk with piles of paperwork, (apparently) working. On the wall are examples of traffic signs, there’s an old bicycle balancing in the corner, and a large, beautifully manicured blackboard with a drawing of a traffic accident in white chalk. Specially prepared for the photo, I’d say.

What is even more interesting is on the left side of the board, it reads: “Verse for today: in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made. St John 1-1:3." Yep, typical religion worming its way into everything, even the office of the traffic police!

The caption of the photo reads “Traffic accident victims are sometimes willing to pay a little extra if Delaney’s department quickly draws up a favourable report to present to a judge.” Ha! Sounds like Liberia to me.

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